Kodax TMax 400

I've been slowly, I would say too slowly, going through a box of TMax 400 4x5 film. A lot of people like this film, which is why I decided to try it. So far I like the more obscure things, like the pink tint the film has until it is properly fixed, but I don't like the fact that it takes twice as long in the fixer as other films. As far as the images I get from it, for what I do, I'm not sure it is worth changing over to it in the long term. I've been a Ilford film user for the last several years, and I want to support a company that has commited to black and white film for the long term. I don't get that from Kodak, so unless something comes up in the near future, the next box of film I buy will be Ilford.

The image above is the astronaut statue outside the Gerald R. Ford Presidentail Museum in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was taken in the early evening during an outing I went on with the Midwest Large Format Asylum. It was more of a grab shot than anything else, at least as much a grab shot you can get with a large format camera. After developing the film, I found I kind of liked it.


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