Baby, It's cold outside!

Ron called early Friday evening and wondered if I wanted to go to the South Haven Lighthouse to catch the Moonset/Sunrise. Of course I said yes. Meeting early for coffee before the almost hour drive, we pulled into the lighthouse just as the moon was disappearing behind some clouds. So much for that idea. Because we had a warm snap earlier in the month, I wasn't sure about how much ice would be on the lighthouse. There was enough, as well as no trace of the warm snap. It was in the low single digits, and while I was pretty comfortable in what I was dressed in, I really needed a scarf or face mask. We took photos for a hour and a half or so, and retreated to a local bakery to warm up.

The cold must have affected our brains, because we decided we weren't done. After warming up a bit, we headed back to the north side of the channel to see what things looked like. I was entranced by the shadows of the snow fences, as well as the patterns frozen in the sand. Ron decided to head out on the pier.

It was slippery and he fell and jammed his camera into the ice. While he was ok, his camera wasn't. That's him scoping out the scene with a broken camera. Once I joined him, he explained what had happened, since I didn't see it. The camera would turn on, but complained that the lens needed to be reset. The lens mount was jammed and we weren't able to get it off, much less replace it. I took a few photos, and we decided it was time to call it a day.


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