London - More Photos

Walking around Sunday, I came across 3 white Rolls Royce cars decorated for a wedding. I took a few photos, and waited around a bit for the bride to appear. I overheard one of the drivers say that the ceremony was over and that the reception had started and didn't stay any longer.

I ran into a BBC film crew working on a science documentary and this couple were two of the actors. Though I had to admit, they really didn't let each other go, even when filming was on break. The women in the background on the bench was also part of the show.

The host of the show walking backward and talking to the camera.

The film crew and onlookers. The couple, the scooter were part of the show, along with the camera crew.

Yes, another door.

This is the end of my photos from London. I want to go back and spend some more time though, there was much more of the city to photograph.


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