A Great Summer Day

The Midwest Professional Volleyball Association had a beach volleyball tournament Saturday morning. I sent some emails out to see if anyone wanted to go and Mike showed up.

It was fun watching, but I spent too much time talking to really pay much attention to the volleyball. I did get a couple ok photos though. He had to leave mid-morning, so I decided to drive over to the other side of the pier. We had seen some kite surfers earlier in the morning and I hoped they were still there.

The dog really is not going after the fisherman, but a bunch of seagulls sunning themselves on the pier. Unfortunately for him, his desire to go run around and chase them was thwarted.

Of course once I get over there, the kite surfers disappeared. I sat on the pier for a while and just watched the people. A steady stream of boats were coming out the channel, and there were quite a few walking the pier.

Just as I was leaving a couple of kite surfers came back. I watched them set up, but there were so many boats set up on the north side of the pier that they either had to go way out on the lake or way north. The boats just kept on coming and anchoring.

I'm sure these dogs wanted to jump in the water and play with some kids swimming in closer to shore.

A great day all around.


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